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Punteggi eccellenti per i vini di Tenuta del Travale attribuiti da Ian D’Agata

I vini di Tenuta del Travale hanno ottenuto valutazioni di grande rilievo nelle recensioni di Ian D’Agata, uno dei massimi esperti nel mondo del vino. Il nostro Esmén Tetra Calabria Rosso 2020 ha conquistato un più che solido punteggio di 92, mentre il Nerello Mascalese Eleuteria Calabria Rosso 2020 ha ricevuto un’eccezionale valutazione di 94+. I punteggi sono stati pubblicati sulla rivista enologica internazionale TerroirSense Wine Review

Questi risultati testimoniano il nostro impegno costante per la qualità e l’eccellenza nella produzione di vini che rappresentano al meglio un territorio fortemente identitario ubicato nella Riserva della Biosfera MaB “Sila” ovvero 10a Riserva della Biosfera italiana nella Rete Mondiale dei siti di eccellenza dell’UNESCO.

Siamo grati a Ian D’Agata per il suo contributo e riconoscimento e desideriamo ringraziare tutti coloro che continuano a supportarci nel nostro percorso enologico.

TerroirSense Wine Review

(…) Have you ever tried a Nerello Mascalese wine from Calabria? Well, the outstanding wines made by Calabria’s Tenuta del Travale is the place you should start doing so, with both the entry-level Osmen and the top of the line Eleutera are absolutely smashingly great wines. And while the two Nerellos are mostly associated with Etna and Sicily these days, the fact is they have long been grown in Calabria as well.

The Tenuta del Travale 2020 Esmén Tetra Calabria Rosso is just superb. Bright red in colour, it offers captivating aromas of red cherry, redcurrant, minerals, herbs and cinnamon, lifted by an amazingly intense floral component (violets, roses). The vibrant and fresh in the mouth, with piercing but harmonious acidity really lifting the red berry and cherry flavours on the long rising smooth finish that features nicely lingering floral and mineral nuances. A really knockout blend of 80% Nerello Mascalese and 20% Nerello Cappuccio, this is made with 20% whole bunches, and you can tell, there’s an amazing Pinot Noir-like perfumed quality to this wine. Drinking window: 2022-2028.

If possible, the Tenuta del Travale 20 Nerello Mascalese Eleuteria Calabria Rosso is even better, a much denser richer, mouthcoating wine. Deep red. Brooding aromas of very pure ripe red cherry, raspberry nectar, strawberry jelly, aromatic herbs, sandalwood, cinnamon, nutmeg, and graphite all complicated by a perfumed red rose note and a sprinkling of talcum powder. Enters rich and round in the mouth, then turns elegantly austere in the middle, with its rich, deep red fruit and sweet spice flavours somewhat under wraps now due to the oaky veneer dominating presently, but there’s an obvious multilayered quality here that speaks of old vines. Though still quite young, this is a wine of impeccable balance, boasting a very noble but strong tannic spine that nicely frames the ripe fruit on the long and extremely refined, finish. Less mineral and more richly fruity than most Etna Nerello Mascalese wines, this is a real knockout, and wine lovers everywhere will have a thrill comparing the two versions of Nerello Mascalese/Nerello Cappuccio wines that are possible from two different volcanic terroirs. But don’t even think of opening a bottle for another three years at least. Drinking window: 2025-2035.